Sunday, February 2, 2014

Lunar New Year

Friday was the Lunar New Year here. Chris was going to travel on the subway to meet up with someone near the airport in Seoul and was advised that is was not a good idea and that he should just stay put and that's exactly what we did. I taught Miriam in the morning and then we got out in the afternoon since it was quite warm (about 40 degrees). We just went for a walk around the neighborhood. It's been about a week since we got out and walked. It's just been way too chilly to get out. The wind, with the humidity, makes it nearly unbearable to get out with the kids sometimes.

Each time we go out, we see something new. There is just so much to see, we never see the same old things!

The picture above shows something that just drives me crazy and stresses me out! Koreans parks on both sides of the street (even double parking sometimes!) and don't obey traffic laws at all when it comes to parking. This street is narrow with cars parked like they are and the crazy thing is that we saw a city bus come through (at full speed) and it was so close to hitting the cars.
 Levi Paul enjoys the walks, even with the odd smells. Not to be ugly, but trash is just piled up outside of businesses. Even when it's cold outside, the trash smells. I can't imagine how bad it will smell with the heat in the summer!
 Just parking on the sidewalk. Why not?!

 The majority of the local businesses were closed while we were out. It was nice to get out and it not be too busy. Our "little" city has over 400,000 people in it and apparently we live in the quite area, which is not quite at all. The best thing though? We're making memories and we had a great little 45 minute walk in the middle of winter!

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