Wednesday, May 28, 2014

When Family Hurts You

A few months ago, there was a misunderstanding between several close family members. Of course when people get upset, things are said that are better left unsaid. Things that have been "swept under the rug" for years...the rug was finally ripped away and everything was exposed. All the hurt feelings, all the things people thought, etc. It was a huge fallout between those close family members.

Then, someone in that circle decided to take their opinion and views on the subject and share it with people that had no business in knowing everything that was going on at the time. Of course their opinions and views were made up of false statements, whether they realized they were lying or not. Their intent was to smear names. The people they shared their views with then decided to send ugly messages to the family members involved-to tell them how horrible they were, that they should rot in hell, that they were scum of the earth, the person called the family member several horrible names that I won't put here, told them they were a hypocrite, etc.  Where they had no business sticking their nose, they did. And when they did that...they burned bridges.

In the end, all that happened was a tearing apart of family. True colors were exposed. I saw the person that had their named wrongly smeared wonder why it happened. They were hurt by the lies that were spread, by the awful things that their extended family had to say about them...all because of someone wanting people to take their side. There are laws against defamation of character-people get sued for doing exactly what this person/these persons did. It's just wrong and dirty and downright evil.

Each person in the close family has their opinion as to whether what they said was right or wrong during the initial misunderstanding. However, when lies are spread, that's a different story. I know that things will never be the same. I know apologies between some of the very close family members, where the first misunderstanding took place, were said.

We've all been hurt by family. Most times, we can look past what was said or done, but other times you can not. Trying to smear a name or a person's character only shows your true colors; it shows who you really are. I pray that my children are  1)never the person that tries to use their tongues to make themselves look better than others  2)never hurt by a family member to the extent that they choose to cut off all ties with them.

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